To the Friends of Rudy Krizan,
It has been only a few short months since Rudy’s passing and I would like to thank you for all of your prayers, support and kind words during this difficult
As many of you can attest, “to know Rudy is to love Rudy”. It is this very spirit and love that we hope will endure. As such, several of Rudy’s friends and I have decided to start a football scholarship in his name at Holy Cross High School, his alma mater.
Rudy maintained a deep connection to Holy Cross throughout the years and was very proud of his days at the school. I know Rudy would be very pleased to have a scholarship like this established to give students a chance at the same experiences that he had some 50 years ago.
The cost of a quality education, such as that provided by Holy Cross, has increased to the point where some deserving student athletes can no longer afford it. With this in mind, we are planning some fundraising events for Rudy’s scholarship fund and are hoping to perpetuate this effort. If you would like to be included in hearing about these events, please let me know.
Patty Reimerdes